Interview with Sole Inspirer - Zsa-Zsa Porter
SI | Zsa-Zsa you are an IRONMAN! Tell the readers a little about yourself.
Zsa-Zsa | I’m an only child raised by a single parent, a military wife, mom of 3 kids, digital executive at a financial institution and I love sharing my health and wellness journey to inspire many.
SI | What would you say is your most notable accomplishment as an athlete?
Zsa-Zsa | Including my family in this journey. They are my biggest support system.
SI | You completed the IRONMAN on your 3rd attempt. Isn’t that what they say, third time’s a charm? What motivated you to try again, and again?
Zsa-Zsa | I’m not a quitter. And I don’t like anyone to tell me I can’t do something or I’m not good enough. As a child I’ve always had a different journey than others. I may not get there the same way but I WILL get there.
SI | You are no quitter for sure! Was the more difficult part of IRONMAN mental or physical?
Zsa-Zsa | Mental
SI | We found a Facebook post that you published after you successfully completed the IRONMAN race; you have one hell of a support system! Does it really take a mixture of friends, family, and support groups to complete something as badass as the IRONMAN? Who has been the most influential to your athletic success?
Zsa-Zsa | I think everyone’s journey is different. I am so grateful for all the support I had that weekend. I was overwhelmed but grateful. I do believe the support of your family is important. I couldn’t have done it without mine. I was also BLESSED to have several ladies who have completed this distance to call on. Most influential were Von, KD, Janice and Nikkis.
SI | Has training for and completing this race changed the way that you feel about yourself as a woman, mother, and wife? How?
Zsa-Zsa | What I’ve accomplished with this IRONMAN journey has helped me with other parts of my life. Accomplishing things in my career sometimes seem so much easier than completing an IRONMAN. I also have shown my kids what hard work and dedication looks like. Mom didn’t quit and neither will you. I know I made my husband proud that day and I’m truly grateful for all the support he gave me. He was by my side every step of the way.
SI | What does it feel like to be a female IRONMAN?
Zsa-Zsa | I don’t think it’s sunk in yet. I’m still wearing the band. I’ve watched the finish line video a few times just to relive that moment. It was an awesome feeling that I sometimes can’t believe actually happened.
The day of the interview Zsa-Zsa is wearing her IRONMAN band, holding her Finisher medal.
SI | What are the 3 most important lessons that you’ve learned from embarking on this journey?
1. Though you may stumble and fall it doesn’t mean you quit. Get up and try again until you succeed.
2. Mental toughness impacts your journey more than you realize.
3. Family Is EVERYTHING! #TeamPorter is the Real MVP!
SI | What would you say to other women of color who may want to take on the amazing challenge that you’ve triumphed over?
Zsa-Zsa | Make a plan and Go for It! And don’t quit until you get it done!
SI | Is there another IRONMAN race in you?
Zsa-Zsa | Yep! Looking into options in the fall!
SI | Thank you Zsa-Zsa for sharing your IRONMAN journey!